“How do you manage to travel so much as you do”? This is definitely a question I get very often. For those who don’t know me but know who I am, thinks I travel full time. Maybe it looks like that from an outside perspective, but the fact is that everything is about planning, planning and planning. I love to plan and especially new destinations, flight tickets, hotels and attractions. It’s among the best I know!
How I Manage to Travel So Much
Unfortunately, I don’t travel full time. Yet. My goal and ambition for my company is to travel full time around the world and live on it. I have previously written 10 Tips how to find affordable travels that you can read about here.
I work full time at a company in Stockholm, where it includes 30 days leave for me every year. For each new year, I look how the new year’s calendar looks like with holidays, etc. By getting an overall glimpse of what it looks like, I plan my trips over these days. It can lead to both shorter and longer trips. It’s all about to plan your trips in a smart way.
During summertime I take at least 3 weeks of holiday, which means that I have half of my holiday days still distributed throughout the year. When I have vacation, I want to maximize the amount of time I have to travel as much as I can and cope with. Traveling is my biggest passion in life. It will not be difficult for me travel so much, rather the opposite, I think it’s fun, easy and stimulating for me to do that

Some winters I have also traveled for 2 weeks and still have 5 vacation days left to distribute. This i’m planning strategically to use over easter or during the Swedish national day which means that we have off that day from work. If one of these days is on a weekday, it makes it possible to travel for a shorter trip. If I want to extend my holiday, I will take one of my vacations days I have left to use for a trip like this.
Because traveling is my biggest passion, I don´t see my holidays as being off. I see it as i’m adding value to my life exploring new countries, cultures and experiences! Thanks to working as a flight attendant I got friends all over the world that I can meet up with. Then I get several things done on the same trip I will hang out with my friends and experience something new!

Of course, I also relax in my way, which is preferably in a hammock on the beach or in a pool
Do you feel that you want to travel more than you do? Review your vacation days and how the holidays of the year are distributed on the calendar and plan your trips after that. That is my best tips! Your trip may be longer and you won´t have to spend a vacation day if the holiday is on a weekday, for example a Monday or Friday. It’s all about planning
For example, I traveled to Pisa and Florence this year over Sweden’s national day 6th of June. I went early on a Saturday morning and came back Tuesday late evening. Tuesday was a holiday in Sweden and Monday we usually work only half day due to a big holiday. So I only had to take vacation for a half-day. If I wanted I could have extended my trip by completely taking off on Wednesday aswell. Since I traveled solo, I did´t need to stay longer, I had enough of time exploring what I needed to see

Some companies may even allow their employees to “work in” on that half-day at an earlier or later date. So you don’t need to spend a half-day on a holiday. Check out with your company on how you can do

So, the answer to the question “How do you travel as much as you do?” is in my case about planning my travels. It may seems boring and not so spontaneous. Even though I like to travel on spontaneous trips too, but in order to do what I like most in my life, I need to plan my days to be able to do this!
Do you like to plan your travels like me or be more spontaneous?
Check out this link on best places to go in 2017.
Happy Travels!
Jag gör exakt samma sak i början av året – spanar in kalendern och planerar in ledigheten utefter att maxa de lediga dagarna.
Härligt Pernilla! Det är ett bra sätt att gå tillväga tycker jag
Great tips! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you Natasha!
Så smart ju!!!! Vart går din nästa resa? Kramar
Eller hur Lina
Nästa resa går på lördag till Milano och därefter Gardasjön några dagar. Kram!
Åh vilket inspirerande inlägg!
Imponerande måste jag säga! ??
Visst är antalet semesterdagar en flaskhals, men det handlar för mig också om kostnaden att resa. Det är inte billigt att vara iväg på resande fot med både flyg och hotell och när jag reser vill jag heller inte snåla utan leva gott och det kostar.