Readyfortakeoff on Swedish TV
For the first time in my life, since I started Readyfortakeoff as a travel blogger, I was just on Swedish TV! So crazy but incredibly fun! I’ve been interviewed by SVT cultural news who wanted me to talk about how I look at traveling now given the situation we are in the current Corona pandemic and how it affects me and my job as a travel blogger!
This is my TV debut and I hope that more news channels got their eyes on me and Readyfortakeoff now! 😉
The entire interview can be found here:
You will also find a written article about me here:
I’m very curious what you think about the interview. Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Instagram 🙂
Happy Travels!
Kul, du gjorde dig bra i rutan! Och håller med – finns ju massor att skriva och göra reportage om på hemmaplan!
Tack Christian, vad glad jag blir! 🙂
Eller hur, man får bara tänka om lite i dessa tider så finns det massor! 🙂
Så kul att du fick vara med i TV 🙂 Väldigt fint reportage.
Tack så mycket Helena! 🙂 Ja det var superkul! 🙂