There are many cities around the world to visit, but which ones are safe and which ones should you avoid? In this post, I will share my 10 most safe cities around the world for solo travelers, where I felt safe and secured. The best thing about the world is that it is full of surprises and experiences that are worth discovering and sometimes I wonder if I will ever have time to explore all it has to offer. These are my favorite cities around the world for solo travelers!
10 Safe Cities Around the World for Solo Traveling
I have previously written the post ”10 Safe Cities in Europe for Solo traveling” and after that, you readers have also requested a list of my 10 safest cities to travel solo to around the world, not just Europe.
Below is a list of 10 cities around the world that I´ve traveled solo to and where I felt very safe. I recommend these cities to 100% for those who wants to travel solo. Of course there are many more cities traveling solo to around the world who are safe but these 10 cities are, in my opinion, safe destinations.
Here are my 10 safest cities around the world for solo traveling:
1. Bangkok, Thailand
One of my favorite cities in the world is Bangkok, Thailand’s capital. Every time I travel here, I feel very safe and secure, and therefore I think Bangkok belongs to one of Top 10 safest cities in the world to visit. Thai people are very friendly and I only have positive things to say about the country.
With an unremitting range of visual impressions, sounds, smells and flavors all included in a wealth of hidden treasures, Bangkok has an overwhelming amount of things to discover and absorb. It is undoubtedly one of the coolest cities in Asia, according to me. Also, don´t miss all the amazing rooftop bars that are a must. In this blogpost you find my Top 3 best rooftop bars in Bangkok!
2. Montreal, Canada
It is the people who makes Montreal to an incredibly safe city to stay at for solo travelers. Montreal offers many attractions and is well worth a visit. Make sure not to miss the highlights when you travel to Canada and go for sightseeing in Montreal (Quebec) is a must. In addition, there are plenty of festivals, colorful food trucks, hipster cafes, wonderful parks and even beaches, which are just some of the things to do in Montreal.
3. Sydney, Australia
Sydney is my favorite city in Australia and a very safe place to visit as a solo traveler. The city is popular with many travelers so I can guarantee you will find others who also traveling solo here. Visit the opera house and cuddle with kangaroos and koalas, it won´t be better than this!
4. Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo is truly a city that makes a big impression on the first visit and is also safe to stay in as a solo traveler! Tokyo is a perfect blend of tradition and modernity while it’s a wonderfully exciting big city, whether you’re a technology lover or prefer more traditional Japanese attractions. Japanese gardens are famous all over the world and they are especially beautiful when the cherry trees bloom.
5. Hong Kong
Hong Kong is a city that has many more attractions to discover than you think, including temples, museums, amusement parks and views. With incredible views, high skyscrapers and a variety of markets, Hong Kong is constantly fascinating visitors. Hong Kong is also a modernized city (one of Asia’s most developed), making it a truly comfortable and safe destination for solo travelers.
6. Singapore
As one of the safest cities in the world to visit, I would definitely say that it is Singapore. The city is big and there is a lot to discover! Singapore is a perfect country to start your Asia trip, since it’s nice weather, clean, well functioning, safe, everyone speaks English and there’s so much to see, do and eat here.
7. Shanghai, China
Lovely Shanghai, a city I’ve lived in and totally love! Here are plenty of things to do and I never get tired of the view of all skyscrapers alongside the “The bound” river. Here, many foreigners from around the world comes to work or study and I promise you will meet friends for life here. Shanghai also has some of the coolest nightclubs I’ve been to, so if you’re interested in partying, this is where you’re going to do it.
8. New York, USA
New York, the city that never sleeps. A city I have always felt safe in every time I visit and have never had any problems. New York is so much more than just Times Square and the Statue of Liberty, it will never end of things to explore in New York. But rushing through everything on your checklist makes you miss the world’s best city. New York is about neighborhoods, they are their distinctive features that make the city the world’s best. I LOVE NEW YORK!
9. Chicago, USA
Chicago is a fast-paced city that also never sleeps. With a fantastic skyline and lot of things to see and do, you never go restless here. A good idea could be to take a guided tour through the city for a better overview and why not do it through a sightseeing boat on the river! In Chicago, I always feel safe and here I can go as a solo traveler without feeling uncomfortable or afraid. A very pleasant city indeed!
10. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Malaysia’s capital Kuala Lumpur, or KL as it is called, is a fascinating and modern city, I also feel very safe as a solo traveler here. Kuala Lumpur has grown from being a small town to becoming one of South East Asia’s most modern and safest cities. Here you go for shopping, nightlife, good food and above all because it’s cheap.
Feel free to follow my adventures on Instagram here, Facebook here, Bloglovin here or Youtube here.
Happy Travels!
// Charlotte
Vilken jättebra idé att lyfta trygga städer. Av dessa har jag “bara” varit i två: KL och New York, varav New York massor med gånger …
Instämmer helt.
Tack snälla Anna!
Haha ja New York är ditt område och som sagt helt underbart att resa solo till dessutom 
Har bara varit i New York och Chicago av städerna på listan och i båda städerna har jag varit själv flera gånger och verkligen känt mig trygg så jag håller med dig!
De flesta av de övriga städerna finns med på min bucket list. 
Tack Ann-Louise!
Ja visst är det fantastiska städer! Åååå då har du massor av härliga upplevelser framför dig när du väl genomför din bucket list 
Av dina städer har jag varit i New York (lika nördig som Anna :-)), Chicago, KL, Bangkok, Singapore, solo..( NY o BKK även med sällskap). På villtillistan står Hongkong högst upp :-).
Singapore kändes inte helt bra med otrevliga försäljare i Sim lim Square, o i min smak för mycket buskage vid trottoarerna. Enda stället i Asien jag sett en bilolycka..Den stan jag gillade minst på min Asienresa 09 (S, BKk, KL)
Bangkok är lite som New York för mig, har nog varit där 7 gånger, kommer gärna igen för gamla favoriter o nya :-).
Researcher nya städer en del för det mesta så man som solo-resenär bor bra till för kommunikationer..o ingen mörk bakgata.. en av sakerna jag älskar med NY, alltid liv o rörelse när man än kommer hem :-).
Wow Evy, du har ju hunnit med en hel del städer!
Jag håller med dig, kan också komma tillbaka till Bangkok och New York hur många gånger om helst men också kul att se lite nya städer däremellan